Monday, 6 June 2011

Day through three it has transferred Stasu aluminium flakonchik from under validol
Half filled with a white powder.
- Hold, Sanych, from сеpдца отpываю. For cleanliness I do not warrant, but mysha
Has died from one grain - I caught it longer. Hе heat up also itself on language not
Try. From you becomes...
- Gee whizz! You know, I, perhaps, it directly in it flakonchike
With tissue paper I will stick, and from above ordinary salt nasyplju.
- And to open as you will be? If the need - so it forces to open it
Business is silent and imperceptible.
- And I to a paper will paste a thread and on the top of it I will deduce - have pulled a thread
The piece of paper has torn, trjasanul flakonchik - and salt with poison will mix up.
- Hu-well, pационализатоp, look itself not travanis. Still something
It is necessary?
- Hе, I to myself have made the rest. In, estimate...
Stas has put on a bench of boots and, having bent down, has pulled for hardly appreciable
Scaffold small knot on a heel. After it has jumped out narrow and thin, length with
Palm, the two-edged edge which is coming to an end small - in three fingers,
The rounded off basis instead of the handle.
ZHenka at once recognised in it ground on a stone nozhovochnoe a cloth and
It was twisted in a smile. Having noticed a sceptical view of the friend, Stas has held back about
The second same, but twice a smaller edge, vshitym in a collar top
Canvas shtormovki.


I'm gonna travel the world.

Laptop broken for a while; things are back on track and hunky dory. Lost all photographs ever taken, all music, all documents. But there's always more to photograph, always more to listen to.

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