Sunday, 1 January 2012

wine decanters for the new year.

As is only proper, I am tired and hungover from the festivities last night. Doing a countdown in a club on Brighton beach wasn't how I had planned to spend New Year's Eve, but it was actually damn good.

This never used to be the case, but recently when I'm hungover I actually do just want hair of the dog.


Some wine decanters for the new year. Happy 2012. I love these designs. I can't wait to stock my own flat one day.

Images copyrighted to Riedel, found here.


  1. Wine decanting is a ritual in its own right. Many people are finding serving wine after the decanting process a delightful process that enchants their guests. In a nutshell, decanting wine means basically transferring the wine from its original bottle to a container, called a decanter, prior to serving it in the guests glasses. One of the main reasons for doing this is to avoid any sediments and deposits ending in the glasses.

    wine decanters

  2. Leaded glass decanters have been a favorite collectible item for decades but have somewhat fallen out of favor for several reasons. Firstly, although beautiful in their own way, cut glass leaded decanters definitely look old-fashioned and so look out of place in a modern, contemporary environment.

    Wine Aerator Pourer
