Got a big fascination with royal colours at the moment - forest green, a deep velvety purple... All this King's Speech mania, I suppose.

So I'm not giving anything up directly, nothing so hard-and-fast as that. But I'm reintroducing some parameters into my life:
- Don't eat unless you're hungry.
- Alcohol in moderation.
- No second helpings.
- Eat more slowly, so you can tell when you're full.
- Try, try, and please try to do a little bit of exercise every day. Even if it's just yoga.
- DRINK MORE WATER. (I tend to subsist until evening on the litre of coffee I have every morning, barely drinking other liquids during the day. This is baaaaad).
- Lunch is a small meal, which will make dinner earlier, which is better for you. (I have a European habit of eating dinner at 9pm, or even later).
- You can have as much junk food as you like - if you make it yourself. This means I won't be buying any croissants, muffins, or Millie's cookies when I'm out and about. But when I get home, I'll be baking Oreo muffins (, Florentines (, and delicious Orange Drizzle Cake ( to my heart's content.
I'll tell you how it goes. So far, I've come to realise that I have lost any semblance of self-control I once had, so even simple parameters are going to be harder than I thought.
I love your drive. Keep it up. Keep being beautiful. XX